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NGO ZANA part of the WARP Summit 2014, Seoul, South Korea,
Objavljeno u:: 19 Septembar 2014
The World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Summit (“WARP Summit”), held in Seoul, South Korea from 17 - 19 September 2014, is hosted by Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (“HWPL”), and its two subsidiary organisations, the International Women’s Peace Group (“IWPG”), and the International Peace Youth Group (“IPYG”).
The WARP Summit is first and foremost a meeting held between different leaders of the world, including prominent figures in both secular and spiritual sectors of society, in order to discuss and share insights on how to achieve world peace. Without discussion, the perceived social boundaries of ethinicity, culture, nationality, religion, and language will continue to pose a threat to the security of our future, as these differences are easily exploited to encourage violent behaviour.
The summit is being organised in the hopes of creating a platform for dialogue between community leaders on national, cultural, spiritual, and ethnic levels. Such dialogue will pave the way to the creation of a universally applicable value system, reflected and implemented across all perceived social boundaries through an international law designed to eliminate war-activity from our world.
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